2025 Regional Competitions

Miss Delegates: The Regional competitions, Miss Tri-Valley and Miss Southern Gem, will be held for Miss contestants on April 26, 2025 at the Liberty Theatre in North Bend. Click here to determine which competition you are eligible for geographically. Delegates must meet all of the eligibility requirements outlined in the Delegate Contract including age, residence, citizenship, education, personal characteristics, etc. Applications are due by midnight on April 13, 2025. All paperwork is due by midnight on April 16, 2025. Delegates are encouraged to participate in their Regional and the digital open competition.

In addition to meeting all of the contract criteria, delegates must meet these eligibility requirements:
Delegates must reside, work full-time or attend school full-time anywhere in the state of Oregon. (Check eligibility information to determine which Regional Competition you qualify for.)

Miss contestants must be between 18- and 28-years-old. Age eligibility is established by birth year. To be eligible, delegates must have been born between 1997 and 2007. To clarify, the contestant cannot be older than 28 in the year she would compete for a state title (2025).

In order to be approved to compete, you must register for an Annual Miss America Subscription and pay the fee. (Link below if you are not already registered. This step only has to be completed once a year.)

Teen Delegates: The Regional competition for Teen contestants will actually be a statewide open, run by Miss Southern Gem’s Teen. It will take place on April 26, 2025 at the Liberty Theatre in North Bend. Delegates must meet all of the eligibility requirements outlined in the Delegate Contract including age, residence, citizenship, education, personal characteristics, etc. Applications are due by midnight on April 13, 2025. All paperwork is due by midnight on April 16, 2025. Teen delegates are encouraged to consider applying for an At-Large title as another option, as limited regional titles will be awarded.

In addition to meeting all of the contract criteria, delegates must meet these eligibility requirements:
Delegates must reside, work full-time or attend school full-time anywhere in the state of Oregon.

Teen contestants must be between 13- and 18-years-old, but must be 14 by the start of the state competition. To be eligible, delegates must have been born between 2007 and June 24, 2012. To clarify, the contestant cannot be younger than 14 and cannot be older than 18 by the start of the state competition (June 24, 2025).

In order to be approved to compete, you must register for an Annual Miss America Subscription and pay the $39.99 fee. (Linked below if you are not already registered. This step only has to be completed once a year.)

Additional information is included within the application link below. Should you have questions prior to submitting the application, please contact:

additional information:

There will be a virtual contestant orientation held on Wednesday, April 16, 2025 at 7:00 pm. Please make every effort to attend.

The newly crowned titleholders will need to attend both sessions of the Miss Oregon Spring Workshop:

In-person on Sunday, April 27, 2025 in Coos Bay/North Bend.

Online on Saturday, May 31, 2025 via Zoom.