Those selected to move forward to compete at the State Competition will be announced on Saturday, April 26, 2025 immediately following the Regional Competitions. Contestants are encouraged to participate in their Regional and the digital open competition.

STATEWIDE DIGITAL COMPETITION FOR MISS CONTESTANTS: Delegates must meet all of the eligibility requirements outlined in the Miss America Delegate Contract including age, residence, citizenship, education, personal characteristics, etc. Applications and all documentation are due by midnight on Tuesday, April 15, 2025.

In addition to meeting all of the contract criteria, contestants must meet these eligibility requirements:
Delegates must reside, work full-time or attend school full-time anywhere in the state of Oregon.

Miss contestants must be between 18- and 28-years-old. Age eligibility is established by birth year. To be eligible, delegates must have been born between 1997 and 2007. To clarify, the contestant cannot be older than 28 in the year she would compete for a state title (2025).

There will NOT be a digital open for Teen contestants in 2025. We encourage all Teens interested in the digital open to instead apply to participate in their Regional Competition or as an at-large titleholder.

How do You compete in the Statewide Digital OPen Competition?

The competition has two parts: submission of paperwork with videos and a live virtual interview. With your application you will submit your Fact Sheet, Community Service Initiative essay, an “Elevator Pitch” video and a talent video. The live virtual interview will take place on Saturday, April 26th via Zoom. In order to be approved to compete, you must register for an Annual Miss America Subscription and pay the fee. (Linked below if you are not already registered. This step only has to be completed once a year.)

What are the phases of competition for miss contestants?

  1. Fact Sheet with 30-second “Elevator Pitch” video - 15%

  2. Social Impact Initiative essay - 15%

  3. Talent video (90 seconds) - 35%

  4. Virtual live interview - 35%

    ***You will be scored by a panel of 5 judges.***


This will be a 30-second video where you let the world know who you are! Share what is important to you, your mission, school/education info, career, any interesting facts, or why your talent is exceptional. (These are all examples - you do not have to cover all of these topics.) Think of this as your People Magazine Exclusive interview in video form. Required file type is MP4.

What happens if I am selected to compete at the Miss Oregon competition?

If you are selected by the panel of judges to compete at the state competition, you agree to follow all of the the Miss Oregon Competition rules and guidelines, submit ALL required paperwork by the due date provided upon approval and meet all competition deadlines set by the Miss Oregon Scholarship Program. You must also pay the State Competition registration fee of $250 upon selection.

If you are selected to compete at the state competition you will receive an official local title and sash. Your title will be selected by the Miss Oregon Scholarship Program. There are no scholarships awarded at the the State Digital Open Competition.

if i am selected to advance to the state competition, will i be able to run in a local during the 2026 season?

Yes! All titles awarded in the Statewide Digital Competition will end on Sunday, June 29, 2025. No appearances can be made after that date using this title.

Applications and all additional documentation are due by midnight on Tuesday, April 15, 2025.


Please DOWNLOAD these forms, complete them in their entirety and then save them in PDF format. You will need to upload them when you complete the application. Additionally, you will need to upload a headshot and the completed photographer release.





If you have any questions about the application or what you need to submit, please email Kirsten White or Blaine Barklow.

Please be sure to name files that will be uploaded in the following manner: ContestantName-FileName.xxx (.pdf files are preferred, and in some cases required. Please check the instructions on the JofForm, just below the Browse button, for accepted file types).


There will be a virtual contestant orientation held on Wednesday, April 16th at 7:00 pm. Please make every effort to attend.

The contestants selected to compete at Miss Oregon will be announced on Saturday, April 26, 2025, immediately following the Regional competitions held in North Bend.

The contestants selected will need to attend both sessions of the Miss Oregon Spring Workshop:

In-person on Sunday, April 27, 2025 in Coos Bay/North Bend.

Online on Saturday, May 31, 2025 via Zoom.

More information is available within the application or by emailing Blaine Barklow or Kirsten White.