Even if you plan to compete in the Regional and/or digital competitions, you can still sign up to participate in the state competition as an at-large titleholder to signify your intent to compete. (Find more information regarding local and regional competitions here and the Digital Open here.) Your application will be held until after the results of those competitions to ensure you have as many opportunities to compete as possible. Read through the details below and the application to get more information. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions!

applications due by 10:00 PM on May 5, 2025

 Guidelines and expectations to be understood and agreed upon prior to application approval:

The following information is the basic structure on what you are permitted to do as a representative of the Miss Oregon and Miss Oregon’s Teen programs as an At-Large Titleholder. We reserve the right to revoke any title and state competition privileges should you be found to be in violation of the official contract rules or the following title usage guidelines listed below. Full details of the At Large program, it’s rules and regulations, and competition details are included in the application at the bottom of this page. Please ensure you read ALL of the details before submitting your application.

All fees/payments are forfeited and non-refundable, even in the event your title is relinquished or rescinded.

1. As an At-Large Titleholder you should remain focused on your community service initiative and personal growth. All appearances made in your local area are subject to the approval of the Executive Director of the local program. Do not accept an appearance or set up an appearance without first contacting the local Executive Director for approval. If there is not a local program in your area obtain approval for any appearances from the State Director prior to committing to them.

2. Any activity in capacity as a titleholder (of volunteerism and/or endorsement of a business, product or community service organization) must be communicated to and approved by the State Executive Director.

3. Any community event requesting you to appear and/or serve in any volunteer capacity must be approved by the State Executive Director. **All local community event appearances MAY NOT conflict or be in competition with existing local licensee titleholder(s) as they are the preferred representative(s) within our licensed communities. Example: Ribbon cutting ceremony of local senior center where a local licensee exists.

4. Parallel preparation for State competition with a local program (practicing with a fellow local titleholder) is to be limited to specialty workshops where the local program offers an invitation to you.

5. At-Large titles expire June 29, 2025 making you eligible to compete in your respective local programs for the 2025 competition season. **No appearances may be made using the official sash or title after the expiration date of the At-Large title.

6. A crown is not included with the At-Large Titleholder fee of $500, and it is in no way required if your application is approved. Miss America has altered their guidlines to allow for At-Large titleholders to purchase a crown for an additional fee, if they feel so inclined. The option to purchase a crown is included in the application.


Additional information is included within the online application below. If you have any questions prior to completing the application, please contact:

Miss Delegates - beth mcShane

Teen Delegates - Cindy Owens